
PLANET WORK: Jobs of the Future with Cat Breet

PLANET WORK: Jobs of the Future w/ Cat Breet

PLANET WORK: Jobs of the Future w/ Cat Breet

We all know it: the post-pandemic labor market will be very different. Are you ready for it? If not, you need answers to questions like these:

  1. Where will the post-pandemic jobs of the future be?
  2. Are you in danger of losing yours?  
  3. Is it all doom and gloom?
  4. What can you do today to boost your career security tomorrow?

The World Economic Forum predicts 85M jobs will be displaced by machines, while 97M new roles will emerge. The reskilling revolution is already underway. Is this exciting to you? Or, does it make you feel anxious & worried? Either way, there is great news: a few small steps today can help you protect your paycheck … and get more freedom, money & fun in the future. Cat Breet can’t wait to share them with you.

Catch the conversation LIVE on Planet Work Thursday 5/6 at 2pm BST / 8am CT. Streaming live to her LinkedIn page every Tues & Thurs.

#planetwork #linkedinlive #catbreet #money #freedom #fun #speaker

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